Knightmare Lexicon - A Knightmare Encyclopædia

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1. Count Brinkatore
Old owner of a castle which occupied part Level 2 in Series 6. Friend of Lord Fear, husband of Lady Brinkatore, and reportedly, the employer of Julius Scaramonger's mother, whose son sold her to the Count as a washerwoman. Count Brinkatore (the spelling of his name is conjectural) was never seen or heard on Knightmare, only spoken of.

The Count's son and heir, Marcus Brinkatore, is a character on the Knightmare Roleplay forum. He is played by Ricky, who also played Edward Deal.

Count Brinkatore is mentioned in the Knightmare-inspired audio play Famous For Retreating.

[Originally posted: 2004-11-04 22:43:06]

Provided By: David, 2010-08-16 17:48:12
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